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Certified Condominium Specialist
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Certified Condominium Specialist®
National Designation Program
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Government-sponsored financing giant Fannie Mae will ease its requirements next month, raising its debt-to-income ceiling from 45 percent to 50 percent on July 29. The move could pave the way for a larger number of new buyers to qualify for a mortgage, particularly millennials who may be saddled with student loan debt.

The debt-to-income ratio compares a person’s gross monthly income with his or her monthly payment on all debt accounts, including auto loans, credit cards, and student loans. It also factors in the projected payments on the new mortgage. Lenders see applicants with lower debt-to-income ratios as less at risk of defaulting.

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It can be tough starting a real estate business from scratch.  But that is what I did when I decided to move to Tampa Bay, Florida after 16 years of living overseas.

I was looking for a niche in the crowded field of real estate sales.  I immediately observed that Tampa Bay had hundreds of condominium complexes.  So I thought it would be perfect for me to make that my niche.  And I decided I'd truly enjoy selling Tampa Bay condos.   First, I purchased a condo to call home and get a real feel for condo-living.  Then I began to contact condo owners in the condo complexes around where I lived.

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October 23, 2013 - BHGLAAR hosted another one day CAL BRE-accredited Certified Condominium Specialist® course for Realtors®, consisting of an information-packed educational and marketing program relating to Realtors® and their condo and planned development sales success.

Attendees ranged from investors and new agents to long-time successful luxury condominium sales agents who were interested in expanding their careers and reputations through the advanced knowledge and promotional ideas the course offers.

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October 22, 2013 - Kimberly Heinrich, Educational Chairperson of the San Diego Association of Realtors®, announced this week that SDAR will feature the Certified Condominum Specialist® Course (CCS) as part of SDAR's elite association designation program.

The San Diego Association of Realtors® has sponsored the Certified Condominum Specialist® Course for a number of years, presenting it to Association members and non-members several times a year in SDAR's regular educational line up.  The popular one-day course has resulted in Realtor-attendees' enthusiastic testimonials and increased educational and career success. 

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May 29, 2013 - Students and new Certified Condominum Specialist® Designees gave a special "Thank You!" to the SDAR staff for hosting the National Designation Course Certified Condominum Specialist®.

This particular presentation of the course in San Diego was the Califoronia Version of the national designation course and a California Department of Real Estate Accredited Course with 8-hours of Department of Real Estate Consumer Protection credit. 

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