Why Become a Certified Condominium Specialist®?
As a recognized Certified Condominium Specialist® Designee, diligently putting the condo designation to work for you in your condo marketplace, you will:
Increase Your Market Share and Income
Stand out from the crowd by earning the national Certified Condominium Specialist® Designation.
Become known as a “Condo-selling Expert” in your community for increased income and professional recognition.
Referral Program and Networking
Network with other enthusiastic CCS Designees and become a member of the National Condo Agent Referral Network™ to help increase your income and visibility in your community
Enjoy networking and sharing condo-selling ideas and techniques with other expert condo-selling agents
Ongoing Education
Participate in ongoing education courses to increase your condo and CIC/CID sales by learning all about condos and community association living and life-styles
Assist Condo Buyers and Seller in better understanding condo and CIC/CID transactions in their market area
Stay up with the latest changes in the condo market in your area and the national condo market
Increased Experience
Gain increased experience in the intricacies of the condo-selling market as the condo market changes.
Improve Your Client Service Capability
Provide better quality client service in selling condominiums and other forms of common interest developments by advertising yourself and your listings both locally and nationally.
Help put order, harmony, intelligence and know-how into the sales of HOA-related properties.
Help promote diversity and home-ownership across the United States.
Share your knowledge all about condos with your clients and your community.
Help you clients understand and obtain condo and other CID/CIC financing that can often be a challenge with HOA-related properties
Ensure your condo-clients have an exceptional and informed experience with their condo purchase, sale or lease so you become their real estate agent of choice for all their future transactions
Stand out from the rest, become a CCS®!