San Diego Association of Realtors® welcomes the Certified Condominium Specialist® Program into their SDAR Designation Program for Realtors®.
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October 22, 2013 - Kimberly Heinrich, Educational Chairperson of the San Diego Association of Realtors®, announced this week that SDAR will feature the Certified Condominum Specialist® Course (CCS) as part of SDAR's elite association designation program.
The San Diego Association of Realtors® has sponsored the Certified Condominum Specialist® Course for a number of years, presenting it to Association members and non-members several times a year in SDAR's regular educational line up. The popular one-day course has resulted in Realtor-attendees' enthusiastic testimonials and increased educational and career success.
The Certified Condominium Specialist® is a national real estate agent designation course administered by Condo University® and the Council of Condominium Specialists®. The California Version is taught Statewide multiple times a year, and offers California Realtor-attendees 8-hours of California Bureau of Real Estate Consumer Protection credit.
The course disseminates to real estate agents and other industry-related people, the vital aspects of condo and common interest development law, case law updates, management, governance, financing, insurance, marketing, promotion, contractual and disclosure issues as well as discussing insightful condo and CID listing, selling and leasing tips and techniques for real estate agents that relate directly to Realtors' career and income expansion.
Through the rest of this year and next year, the course instructors will discuss the latest changes and updates to the Davis-Stirling Act, California's Condo/CID Legislative law, which will become effective starting January 1, 2014.
SDAR's next presentation of the Certified Condominum Specialist® Course will be on Wednesday, October 30, 2013 from 8:30AM to 5:00PM at SDAR's Kearny Mesa Center located at 4845 Ronson Court San Diego, CA 92111.
To register for the Certified Condominium Specialist® Course, call Kimberly at (858) 715-8000 or register online at in the educational calendar section.