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Smart Condo Living in the Age of COVID

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Condo life has its many benefits. However, during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, many challenges have presented themselves to both owners in condo regimes as well as the board members who need to develop policy to keep the community safe. With cramped elevators, tight hallway spaces and confined common areas, new policies and modes of conduct are being implemented every day and are required from community members themselves to stay safe.

The key question has arisen as to how to best keep “social distancing while using common areas in order to curb the spread of the virus.  The CDC has reported that the virus can be spread through coughing out viral droplets into small, populated spaces such as in an elevator or small lobby or community recreation room. But the virus may also be spread by touching common areas and then touching one’s face, eyes or nose with contaminated hands. Common use of elevator buttons and door handles mandate conscientious user hand-washing, sanitizing and prohibits face-touching after use of common utilities to stay safe. And governing boards must ensure complete, repetitive sanitization of the community area facilities themselves. This can be done professionally or by volunteer community members who wish to ensure a safe community environment.

COVID-19 has required community members to be innovative to stay healthy and come up with tips and recommendations through their governing board. Community members are advised to push elevator buttons with an elbow, a piece of paper or a glove. If an elevator is crowded prior to entering, best to wait for the next elevator that is less crowded. If a community member finds he or she is suddenly in a tight spaces with others, a good mask or scarf can be used to create a barrier for possible viral droplets.

Seniors should be particularly respected and proper social distancing should be used when interacting with them. And children should be watched carefully to ensure they do not touch common surfaces unnecessarily. Cell phones and other supplies that are commonly carried should be disinfected and kept away from common surfaces.
Policies should be implemented to monitor COVID-19 outbreaks in the community. Community amenities should be closed to prevent viral transmission and when opened, should undergo frequent, scheduled sanitization.

Lastly, governing boards should consult and work with their legal counsel to develop acceptable scripts to best communicate with owners and tenants who do not follow good personal hygiene that would put other members of the community at risk.

With the right amount of hygienic planning, condo owners and tenants, and the community’s governing board can live with peace and security in knowing they are doing all they can together to keep the community safe and enjoyable for all who dwell there.

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