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Insurance News Net: Peak 1031 Exchange, Inc. Recommends Investor Like-Kind Exchanges to Offset Proposed Tax Hikes as Outlined in Obama’s Recent State of the Union Address
"Once again, real estate investors find themselves in the cross hairs of Washingtonbudget planning," comments Kevin M. Levine, Executive Vice President of Peak 1031 Exchange Inc. In the wake of the recent proposal by President Obama to increase the top capital gains tax rate to 28% in an attempt to generate much needed revenue for the budget, the 1031 Exchange firm has increased its efforts to make investors of all classes aware of the consequences of this proposal. Levine and his team wish to ensure real estate investors are fully aware of the potential tax benefits associated with investing profits from the sale of property into other similar collateralized vehicles to defer tax liabilities down the road.
"At some point the other shoe is going to drop, much to the dismay of investors enjoying healthy returns from the sale and purchase of real estate," Levine continues. "At some critical juncture, Congressional and White House proposals tinkering with capital gains taxes will gain momentum." Levine is referring not only to the recent 28% capital gains proposal in President Obama's address on January 20th, but also to budget proposals capping investments that qualify for 1031 Exchange status to $1 million along with calls to lengthen depreciation schedules. Levine recommends that investors act now to implement tax strategies to leverage advantages of the tax code before "proposals become law" and restrictions make IRC Section 1031 exemptions less attractive.”