Ebby Halliday REALTORS, Inc. Sponsors the Certified Condominium Specialist® Training Program in Dallas!
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Leading Texas Brokerage Ebby Halliday REALTORS® has invited the Council of Condominium Specialists® to provide the acclaimed national Certified Condominium Specialist® Designation Course to realty agents and brokers on Wednesday, October 4thin their new Ebby Education & Marketing Center in North Dallas. The CCS™ Designation Course creates Condo Superstars™ and offers the prestigious condo and HOA certification and designation training program for new and experienced agents who want to walk down the path of success in the specialty field of condo and common interest development listings, sales and leasing. Real estate agents have taken the prestigious condo designation class nationwide over the years to increase their industry knowledge, income and customer service. The October CCS™ Class will see many more agents gain the prestigious CCS™ Designation.
In Texas, the CCS™ Designation Course offers agents 8-hours of Texas Real Estate Commission Continuing Education Credit. The CCS™ Course is an information-packed, enjoyable and quick-paced one-day training program that also includes extensive resource materials, a full complimentary breakfast and lunch, and dynamic guest speakers who are leaders in the condo and HOA-related fields.
Ebby Halliday REALTORS® is the largest independent real estate company in Texas with 33 offices, including Ebby Halliday REALTORS®,Inc., David Perry-Miller and WilliamTrew Realty. Ebby Home Team has become one of the largest and best-known privately owned residential real estate firms in the country.
In addition to graduates receiving the prestigious Certified Condominium Specialist® Designation, graduates will also earn 2 bonus designations: CertifiedPlanned Development Specialist® Designation and the Certified Luxury Condo Specialist™ Designation by completing the one-day CCS™ program.
The event invites agents to “Master Your Condo and HOA Market!™” by gaining More Knowledge, More Experience!™ in their field.” Additional sponsors of the October 4th CCS™ Class in Dallas are Ebby affiliates Lending Partners Home Team Mortgage, Texas Premier Title Company, Home Team Insurance.
Ebby Halliday REALTORS® will open its doors to ALL agents in and outside of its brokerage for the CCS™ training and designation at the Ebby Education & Marketing Center at 4447 Sigma Rd, Farmers Branch - Dallas, Texas 75244 on Wednesday, October 4, 2017 from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.
Seating is limited. To register and for more information, click here.