On October 26, 2016, as a result of the FHA condo financing requirements easing accorded under H.R. 3700, The Housing Opportunity through Modernization Act, the FHA announced their latest requirements for FHA financing approval of existing condominium developments, which states that owner occupied units shall remain at the current minimum requirement that 50 percent of the units, with an exception for existing developments to drop to 35 percent owner-occupancy ratio in specific cases where current financial documentation can be provided to FHA.  In those cases, FHA stated it will allow that ratio to be reduced to from 50% to 35% owner-occupied ratio for existing condo developments if the following requirements are fulfilled:

FHA also announced it will maintain its current owner-occupancy requirement of 30% on new development construction, i.e. less than 12 months old, and condo projects involving major rehabilitation.

For additional details and more specifics, refer to: FHA Mortgage Letter 2016-15